Original Viagra Online in Pakistan


  • Brand: Pfizer
  • Product Code: ET0094
  • Availability: 100

Tags: Viagra

2 out of 10 men search for Viagra in Pakistan because it works as an over-the-counter drug for treating male sexual problems. Sildenafil is the generic name for Viagra pills, a.k.a., blue pills. Since erectile dysfunction becomes a common and likely male sexual disorder, Viagra tablets in Pakistan come as the best treatment for ED. If your penis cannot hold the erection for a longer time during intercourse, you should go for a checkup. It occurs due to poor blood circulation to the penis. In most cases, injury, stress, disease, or medication could lead to erectile dysfunction. Moreover, an unhealthy lifestyle can also worsen the condition. However, many people consider Viagra in Pakistan the rescuer that can undo the damages and boost the penile functions.

Let us explain comprehensively about Viagra in Pakistan, the benefits of Viagra pills, dosage, side effects, and uses. If you are thinking to take the Viagra alternative in Pakistan, this description will also make your doubts clear.

Uses of Viagra in Pakistan:

Before looking for Viagra prices in Pakistan, let us tell you about the Viagra tablet uses.  Most people think that sildenafil is only for improving erectile dysfunction, but it can also do wonders for controlling Pulmonary arterial hypertension.

  • Treat and reduce erectile dysfunction: Sildenafil is famous as the medicine for treating impotence, in which a man cannot perform well in bed due to poor erection and immature ejaculation. Viagra can work as a wonder by stimulating sexual desire. So, keep in mind that sildenafil can work effectively in an only sexually active lifestyle.
  • Maintain high blood pressure: Viagra in Pakistan is also used to improve pulmonary arterial hypertension. It helps reduce the BP level between the arteries of the lungs and heart. Thus, you will notice improved and maintained BP with the correct dosage of original Viagra tablets in Pakistan
  • Build endurance: It can also enhance the energy level and vitality of the body to make the user perform without any fatigue.
  • Improve stamina: While stamina to hold penile erection also gets improved, the user will also find improvement in strength to do exercise with potent energy.
  • Support peeing ability: Old-aged people mostly get difficulty in urinating due to overgrowth of the prostate. These blue pills can help loosen the grip of the prostate to make men urinate without pain and difficulty.
  • Improve sexual life: Once your penile erection becomes stronger, you will feel confident in the bed with your partner. Moreover, it induces sexual desire that makes you perform better and longer. You and your partner will definitely love this boost in sexual life.

Side effects of Viagra tablets in Pakistan:

Since herbal Viagra in Pakistan comes with all-natural ingredients, you can use it without any worry. Still, the exception may occur in an unexpected way. Thus, do not overdose yourself or take high mg of Viagra tablets in Pakistan.

Some mild and minor side effects are:

  • Headache
  • Indigestion
  • Backache
  • Nausea
  • Muscles fatigue
  • Flu feel
  • Dizziness
  • Skin irritation
  • Blur vision

Some major side effects include:

  • Nose bleeding
  • Difficult urination
  • Numbness in hands and feet
  • Painful erection
  • Watering eyes
  • Ringing in ear
  • Flushing
  • Insomnia

Viagra price in Pakistan:

The common searches for sildenafil are Viagra 30 tablets price in Pakistan, Viagra 6 tablets price in Pakistan, Viagra price in Pakistan 25 mg tablets, and more. Let us tell you the prices depend on dosage and sildenafil quantity. If you take a higher dosage and higher supply pack, it costs you more than a lesser dosage pack. You will find the best Viagra prices in Pakistan from our online shop that ensure the original and quality purchase.

Warnings for taking Viagra in Pakistan:

The combination of some medicines, food items, or diseases with Viagra in Pakistan can cause a severe reaction in the patient. Thus, let us brief some conditions when you should avoid taking sildenafil tablets.

  • Allergic to Sildenafil: Ensure that you are not allergic to sildenafil, otherwise avoid using it.
  • Angina patient: If you are suffering from angina, avoid using Viagra as it can lead to cardiac arrest.
  • Kidney Disease: If you have a mild impairment or mild kidney disease, high dose Viagra tablets can make it severe. Only doctors or healthcare professionals can adjust the safe dose for kidney disease patients.
  • During Pregnancy: Viagra is not for pregnant women unless to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension. Doctor consult is a must.
  • Breast-feeding mothers: If you are nursing your baby, the Viagra dose may put you and your baby at risk. Only a doctor can evaluate and tell the right dosage in the case of necessity.


Recommended Dosage:

It is recommended to take Viagra tablets in Pakistan when required for erectile dysfunction. The healthcare professional and doctor can prescribe the right dosage for your impotence, so consult a doctor for finding a safe dose.

In case of pulmonary arterial hypertension, you need to consume the Viagra pill daily. If you missed a dose, you can take it as soon as you remember. But, do not take a double dose to complete your medication course.


Some interactions of medicines and diseases can lead to severe changes in bodily function. Thus, avoid the following interactions:

  • Nitrate medicines: If your take sildenafil with nitrate-containing medicines, it may lead to a sudden reduction in blood pressure.
  • Riociguat: If you are on reociguat or adempas, do not take sildenafil due to adverse reaction risks.
  • Grape juice: do not consume grape juice while taking Viagra in Pakistan, as grape juice can reduce the Viagra effect.

Other medicines to avoid taking with Viagra tablets include

  • ACE inhibitors
  • Dexamethasone
  • Tamsulosin
  • Atenolol
  • Carbamazepine
  • Nitroglycerin
  • Imatinib Mesylate
  • Ketoconazole
  • Atazanavir
  • Isoniazid
  • Terazosin
  • Clarithromycin
  • Warfarin

Additional detail:

Most people may ask that is Viagra legal in Pakistan? The answer is no because of its contribution to sexual enhancement. But it is safe to use in moderate doses for treating erectile dysfunction. However, doctors do not recommend consuming it in larger quantities because an overdose can affect health more severely

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